
National Secondary Professional Liability Insurance Program

At a Special General Meeting held for Engineers Yukon members in Whitehorse December 10, 2003 the membership voted to join the National Secondary Professional Liability Insurance Program (SPLI).

Engineers Yukon members now have the extra protection of the National Secondary Professional Liability Insurance Program (SPLI). This program is mandatory for all members. Members with memberships in another Canadian Engineering Association may elect to pay your insurance fees to the Association of your home province. A disclaimer is included on your fees notice which should be signed and returned to exempt you from paying the fees to Engineers Yukon. These members will pay only the yearly Membership fees. All members in good standing will be automatically enrolled. What does the insurance cover and why did Engineers Yukon join? For answers to those questions and more information, we have included information on the program, a downloadable insurance certificate and a question and answer file about the program. For more information please refer to: www.hubinternational.com

Please note: the hotline number to contact Hub International is 1-877-245-3820.

The information below is available in PDF format. To view the file you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, available free from Adobe.

Please note: Engineers Yukon is our working name, our legal name remains Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon and appears in all of the documents below.

National Secondary Professional Liability Group Insurance Plan:

  1. Certificate - English (PDF)
  2. Attestation - Français (PDF)
  3. Policy - English (PDF)
  4. Police - Français (PDF)
  5. Declarations & Endorsement - English (PDF)
  6. Conditions Particulieres et Avenants - (Français) (PDF)
  7. SPLIP Information Sheet - English (PDF)
  8. PARPS Feuillet d'Information - Français (PDF)
  9. Questions and Answers - English (PDF)
  10. Questions et Reponses - Français (PDF)

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