
Engineers Yukon 30 by 30

ngineers Yukon 30x30

Engineers Yukon is working with Engineers Canada and the other Provincial & Territorial engineering regulators to increase the representation of women within the engineering field through the 30 by 30 initiative.

About 30 by 30:

  • 30 by 30 is the commitment made by Engineers Canada, in collaboration with the 12 provincial and territorial engineering regulators, to raise the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 per cent by the year 2030; currently this figure is at 17.0 percent, and has held steady at this rate over the last three years.
  • One of Engineers Canada’s core objectives is to achieve sustainable membership of the 12 provincial and territorial engineering regulators that is reflective of Canadian demographics. 30 by 30 is a key component of meeting this objective.
  • Women make up more than half of the Canadian population but are significantly underrepresented in the engineering profession; less than 12 per cent of practicing licensed engineers are women.
  • The 30 per cent figure is widely accepted as the threshold for self-sustaining change and the engineering profession can achieve 30 by 30 through working together towards the same goal.
  • Engineers Canada and the provincial and territorial engineering regulators are dedicated to enhancing gender diversity in the engineering profession. Diversity has proven value in the workplace for innovation, creativity and economic competitiveness in a global economy.

Yukon Initiatives:

  • Formed in 2016, the Yukon 30 by 30 Committee is a group of member volunteers that are dedicated to advancing the 30 by 30 initiative
  • Support youth outreach events to change perceptions about what engineers do and look like
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) events for Engineers Yukon members to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace
  • Networking and community building events for female identifying Engineers Yukon members
  • Partnerships with local and national organizations working to increase the awareness and participation of women and other under-represented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields of study and careers

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