
Yukon Engineering Excellence Award

To recognize eminent Engineering achievements by Yukon Professional Engineers and to promote excellence in engineering applied to Yukon’s Northern climate and terrain in the areas of applied research, design, innovation, construction and project management the Yukon Engineering Excellence Award was established. The Awards Committee would like to invite you to submit a nomination for the annual award to recognize engineering achievements of our Members. We hope that in celebrating this award, we also are successful in raising the public’s awareness of the engineering profession in Yukon.

2020 Yukon Engineering Excellence Award

The winner of the Yukon Engineering Excellence Award for 2020 is Associated Engineering (BC) Ltd. for the Dawson City Water Treatment Plant project. View all of the 2020 award submissions here.

  1. Associated Engineering (BC) Ltd.
  2. Morrison Hershfield

View Previous winners here.

Eligibility for Award

In making its recommendations for the award, the Engineers Yukon Awards Committee will be guided but not bound by the following candidate requirements:

  1. Project must be located in Yukon or in a location near Yukon and serviced from Yukon e.g. Northern British Columbia or Western NWT;
  2. Nominated engineer(s) or teams of engineers must be registered as engineer(s) (in good standing) with the Engineers Yukon and/or the nominated company must hold a permit to practice in Yukon and recognized work must be completed by a registered engineer(s) (in good standing) with Engineers Yukon;
  3. Award will recognize the engineering elements for achievements; and
  4. Preference will be given to projects substantially completed within the last 3 years.

Nominations for Award

Nominations may be submitted by any member of Engineers Yukon on or before December 20th, 2024. Nominations must be accompanied with sufficient background information and necessary documentation that must include the following:

  • Short description of the project/bio on the nominee(s) (two pages maximum)
  • PowerPoint presentation (five slides maximum)

The project description and PowerPoint presentation should be delivered to the Engineers Yukon office, attention: Administrative Assistant or sent by email to info@engineersyukon.ca. If more than the maximum documents are submitted, only the first two pages and first five slides will be considered by the evaluation committee.

The number of awards presented will be limited to one per year but an award will not necessarily be made every year.

Nomination form found here.

Evaluation Committee

The Awards Committee will oversee the temporary creation of an Evaluation Committee each year and will have the responsibility of reviewing all the nominations for the award to determine whether (or not) nominations meet the eligibility guidelines and whether or not an award will be given. The Evaluation Committee will review the nominations and submit its recommendations for the award to Council for approval.

Criteria for Selection

Consideration will be given to accomplishments within the engineering profession and to recognition earned. Nominations for this award will be rated primarily on the results of engineering applied to create unique Yukon and Northern solutions. The following criteria will be applied in the evaluation:

  1. Northern innovation/adaptation, services which enhance understanding of, and engineering in the northern climate
  2. Sustainability, services which make environmental consideration of and/or increase the sustainability of northern communities
  3. Service to the community including enhancement of community services
  4. Enhancement of the quality of life through engineering and other works


The award will consist of the following:

  1. Plaque with winning recipient’s name and project title;
  2. Award announcement at AGM and presentation at Engineers Yukon Awards Luncheon; and,
  3. Public announcement in local newspaper and social media platforms

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