
Stamp Orders

In accordance with the Engineering Profession Act, all members of Engineers Yukon are required to own a seal or stamp.

For further details on authentication, please refer to the Practice Guideline for Authenticating Professional Documents.


Personal Membership

Please email registration@engineersyukon.ca to request the forms required to order a rubber stamp. Please note that stamp order requests will only be processed once a member has completed the application process and is in good standing.

Permit to Practice

Please email registration@engineersyukon.ca to request the forms required to order a rubber stamp. Please note that stamp order requests will only be processed once a member has completed the application process and is in good standing.


Personal Membership

A digital signature for your personal membership with Engineers Yukon can be obtained through our partner Notarius. Please note that stamp order requests will only be processed once a member has completed the application process and is in good standing.

You can get a digital signature for an additional Canadian jurisdiction(s) at a discounted price once you hold an approved and activated Professional Signature.

More information can be found by following this link: https://www.notarius.com/en/certifio/pro/engineers-yukon.

Permit to Practice

Please email registration@engineersyukon.ca to request the forms required to order a digital stamp for a Permit to Practice. Please note that stamp order requests will only be processed once a member has completed the application process and is in good standing.

This will be emailed to a Responsible Member who is in good standing and listed on the file for the Permit to Practice.

Please note, that a Permit to Practice digital signature can only be used if the Responsible Member has a digital signature through Notarius for their personal membership as per the authentication guidelines.

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