
Engineers Yukon Digital Signature (Digital Seal)

A new way to stamp engineering documents is here. Engineers Yukon members can sign up for a professional digital signature to authenticate electronic documents digitally.

Engineers Yukon is pleased to offer its members a digital signature, in conjunction with our partner Notarius. The cost of this service to members is $215 /annually, with a one-time setup fee of $109.

A brochure outlining the benefits of using a digital signature is available here.

Watch a video about the digital signature here.

Improve your productivity and efficiency by watching the 20 tutorial videos that explain each feature of your digital signature software included for FREE with your digital signature, ConsignO Cloud Watch the playlist

Check out the web page with information on how the validation and verification process for a digital signature works here.

Additional product information brochures available here and here.

Sign up for your professional digital signature through the link here. This will bring you to the Notarius website and they will work with Engineers Yukon to validate your personal and membership information, and process the appropriate payments.

For questions, contact Engineers Yukon at info@engineersyukon.ca or 867-667-6727

You can also submit a request for a FREE DEMO here.

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