October 30, 2019

Massive Open On-Line Course – Sustainability in Practice – Third Delivery

Registration opens Monday September 9, 2019 for the third offering of our massive open online course (MOOC), Sustainability in Practice, which is available for free. This self-paced course starts October 16 and must be completed by December 13. The last day of registration for this offering is November 12. It requires about 8 hours to complete at your own pace and has quizzes and a final exam to evaluate learning outcomes.

This course is a joint project between Engineers Canada and Polytechnique Montréal. It shows real case studies illustrating practical applications of the 10 guidelines contained in Engineers Canada’s National guideline on sustainable development and environmental stewardship for professional engineers (2016), which is the Canadian adoption of the WFEO Code of Practice for Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship (the Interpretive Guide is available here).

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