December 16, 2018


Engineers Yukon Central for Individual Members & Permit to Practice Holders is live! Important: If you received this notice twice this means you are responsible for both your own membership and your firm’s Permit to Practice (they are separate so you will need a login for both).

Instructions for logging in to “Engineers Yukon Central” for the first time are below.

Please proceed to the Members Only section on our website in order to begin:

If it is your first-time logging in:

You will need to enter your User ID (which is your Engineers Yukon membership or Permit number, note: if your membership number has a dash in it you will need to remove it - ex. 0051-LL will be 0051LL and 0211-EIT will be 0211EIT) and a Password – to create your password please click “Forgot Password” to receive a password reset email which will allow you to set a password of your choosing. Follow the instructions provided. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your junk folder.

Note: If you can’t remember your membership number, it can be found on your previous years invoice and tax receipt or you can email Marisa at staff@engineersyukon.ca .She will be checking regularly for these requests andresponding as soon as possible. If you experience any technical difficulties with your online renewal or have any questions, contact Engineers Yukon at 867-667-6727 or email staff@engineersyukon.ca

Reminder: Your user login & password will give you access to “Engineers Yukon Central” right away however the “Renew Now” button is not live yet. As stated in our December 21st Renewal Update email, invoices will be generated on January 2nd and you will be emailed a renewal notice reminder that the “Renew Now” button will be activated on January 3rd so that 2019 Renewals can be completed.

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