
Continuing Professional Development Seminars

Sustainability Applications and Engineering

AMay 13th & 20th 2021

The Engineers Yukon Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee would like to share the following CPD opportunity with you.

In recent years, the world has become more aware of strains being placed on the Earth. These strains have been manifested in a variety of ways – accelerated exploitation of natural resources, pollution of air, soil, and water, and climate change. As the natural environment is impacted, strains are placed on society and the economy.

In meeting these increasing challenges, there is an increased focus among engineers, technical and design professionals, government regulators, the business community, and the general public to seek alternatives of development that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This precise definition of sustainability is one that serves as the guiding premise of this program.

This series consists of two 2-hour presentations providing detailed knowledge about sustainability principles and practice. They offer information on how to use sustainability assessment that helps selecting the best alternative for each project or activity. These presentations help participants contribute towards global sustainability and environmental development.

This presentation series is logically organized around the three pillars of sustainable environment, economy, and society.

When: Two x 2-hour sessions – May 13th & 20th 2021, 11:00AM-1:00PM Yukon Time. Attending both sessions is necessary to receive all the course material.

Where: Online (GoToWebinar); a link will be sent to all registrants.

Cost: Free

Registration Deadline: All participants must register by Friday, May 7th at noon.

Register by emailing staff@engineersyukon.ca to reserve your spot today!

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