
Continuing Professional Development Seminars

Northern Wastewater Treatment

January 19th

We are pleased to offer this northern-focused learning opportunity to our membership.

Algal Control, and other Useful Engineering Tips for Operation of Lagoons

Course Description: The most prevalent form of wastewater treatment for communities in Yukon is by lagoon. This ancient, low-cost, technology is ideal for areas with low populations and adequate space. Although lagoon treatment is highly effective, it can have problems, particularly in Canada’s North. In order to meet regulatory requirements for discharge, lagoons need to meet pH and TSS requirements. Such requirements are made quite difficult by growth of algae over our sun-soaked summers. Additionally, odour control can be a challenge. This course will provide a brief introduction to lagoon design and biological processes, followed by proven solutions to high pH, high TSS, and odour control. Additionally, means of optimizing lagoons will be provided if time permits.

Introduction of the Speaker: Chris Potvin, Ph.D., P.Eng., has a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, a master's degree in civil engineering, and a doctoral degree in water and wastewater treatment. The focus of his engineering work over the past decade has been water and wastewater treatment plant design, upgrades and optimization for First Nation communities, military bases, municipalities, and industry. Chris works as an engineer in private practice based out of Whitehorse. The name of his company is CMP Engineering.

When: Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, 08:00-12:00
Where:This event will be delivered online only using GoToWebinar.


  • Free of charge to members - REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED

Registration Deadline: January 15th, 2021 at noon

Register by emailing staff@engineersyukon.ca to reserve your spot today!

Engineers Yukon wishes to thank Mr. Potvin for making this event possible through his generous donation of time and effort.

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